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2464 Ft tart. ÁFA
The Malfini Biztonsági mellény gyerek is a high-visibility safety vest designed specifically for children. It features bright, reflective materials to ensure maximum visibility in low-light conditions, keeping kids safe while playing outdoors or walking to school. The vest is lightweight and comfortable to wear, with adjustable straps for a secure fit. It’s a must-have for parents who want to ensure their children are visible and safe, especially during the darker months.

3883 Ft – 3989 Ft tart. ÁFA
The Malfini Rövidnadrág gyerek is a comfortable and stylish pair of shorts for kids. Made from high-quality materials, these shorts are durable and breathable, perfect for active play. They feature a classic design with a comfortable fit, ensuring your child can move freely and enjoy their day. The shorts are available in a variety of colors and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect pair for your little one.

2534 Ft – 3718 Ft tart. ÁFA
A Malfini Póló gyerek egy kiváló minőségű, kényelmes és tartós póló gyerekeknek. Kiváló anyagból készült, amely puha, légáteresztő és könnyen mosható. A pólónak modern és divatos dizájnja van, amely tökéletesen illeszkedik a gyerekek stílusához. A Malfini Póló gyerek tökéletes választás mindennapi viseletre, iskolába vagy szabadidős tevékenységekhez.